Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Warm Up:
500 every 3rd 50 Dr
4x50 alt Dr/Sw x50 (Dr= 25FTD, 25 Fist) @ :60
Drill Set:
8 x25 mega c/u @ : 40 (take your time, do the drill properly)
Main Set:
10x100 Alt Swim @ 1:45-descend by each 100 /
                 Drill @ 2:00 - Mega C/U
4x50 @ :50
1.    8 strokes off each wall FAST!
2.      middle 25 fast, so pick up speed in middle of pool through      turn and back to middle.
3.       All FAST, but controlled
4.       All Easy

10x50 @ :60 Kick – Fins on  (Alt K Fly on bk/K on hip)
EZ 100
Total *3900

Warm Up:
250 every 3rd length drill
4x50 alt Dr/Sw x50 (Dr= 25FTD, 25 Fist) w/ :10sr
Drill Set:
8x25 mega c/u w/ :10sr (take your time, do the drill properly)
Main Set:
10x100 Alt Swim w/ :15sr - descend by each 100 /
                 Drill w/ :15sr - Mega C/U
4x50 w/ :10sr
                   1.    8strokes off each wall FAST!
   2.       middle 25 fast, so pick up speed in middle of pool through turn and back to middle.
   3.       All FAST, but controlled
   4.       All Easy

10x50 w/ :15sr Kick – Fins on  (Alt K Fly on bk/K on hip)
EZ 100
Total *2450

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