Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

200 swim/200 kick/200 pull/200 swim
4x100 swim @ 1:45 (50 free + 50 non-free)
8x50 @ :60 (25 Tarzan/25 swim)
3x150 @ 3:00 (Turn @ the "T")
4 x [3x25 Down & Outs, 75 easy recovery]
400 (kick/drill by 25)
6x50 @ 1:10 (25 non-free, 25 easy free)
200 cool down
*3500 Total*

200 swim/200 kick/200 pull
6x50 w/:30 sec rest (25 Tarzan/25 swim)
3x150 w/:30 sec rest (Turn @ the "T")
4 x [2x25 Down & Outs, 50 easy recovery]
300 (kick/drill by 25)
6x50 w/:20 sec rest (25 non-free, 25 easy free)
100 cool down
*2400 Total*

Monday, 28 November 2011

800 warm up (200 swim/200 pull/200 kick/200 swim)
6x50 @ :55 (2 fingertip drag, 2 catchup drill, 2 fist drill)
1x400 swim @ 6:00
2x300 swim @ 4:30
3x200 swim @ 3:00
4x100 swim @ 1:30
50 easy
400 IM (kick/swim/drill/swim by 25)
200 cool down
*3750 Total*

800 warm up (200 swim/200 pull/200 kick/200 swim)
12x50 w/:15 sec rest (4 fingertip drag, 4 catchup drill, 4 fist drill)
4x250 w/:30 seconds rest (alternate swim/pull by 250)
200 cool down
*2600 Total*

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

400 Choice
4x100 on 1:30 pull with paddles
100 EZ

4x250 @ 4:15 (get your times)
#1) 200 strong + 50 EZ
#2) 150 strong, :10sec rest, 50 faster + 50 EZ
#3) 200 broken at the 100, :20sec rest, + 50 EZ
#4) 200 broken at the 50's, :10sec rest, + 50 EZ
200 free with paddles and buoy, long and easy, work on DPS

6x100 on 2:00, 50 kick + 50 EZ
-odds SDK on back and evens SDK on front
-work on hypoxic breathing
200 free with paddles and buoy, long and easy, work on DPS

10x50 @ 2:00 (25 sprint + 25 EZ)
-from the blocks
100 Cool Down

400 choice
2x100 w/ :15 sec rest (pull)
2x250 w/ :20 sec rest b/w each
#1)200 strong + 50EZ
#2)150 strong, :10sec rest, 50 faster, + 50EZ
100 free with paddles an buoy, work DPS
3x100 w/ :15 sec rest (50 kick + 50 EZ)
100 free with paddles and buoy, work DPS
10x50 w/ :15 sec rest (25 sprint + 25 EZ)
100 cool down

Monday, 21 November 2011

500 choice warm up
6x50 @ 1:15 (kick/drill by 25)
4x75 @ 1:30 (free/non-free/free by 25)
6x50 @ :60 (pull, 3/5/7 breathing pattern by 50)
4x100 @ 1:45 (strong pull)
6x50 @ :60 (swim, easy/fast by 25)
4x150 @ 3:00 (swim, descend 1-4)
6x50 @ 1:05 (Tarzan/swim by 25)
3x200 w/:30 sec rest (swim, NO Walls! water turns)
100 cool down
*3700 Total*

400 choice warm up
6x50 w/:20 sec rest (kick/drill by 25)
4x75 w/:30 sec rest (free/non-free/free by 25)
6x50 w/:20 sec rest (pull, 3/5 breathing pattern by 50)
4x75 w/:30 sec rest (strong pull)
6x50 w/:20 rest (swim, easy/fast by 25)
4x75 w/:30 rest (swim, descend 1-4)
6x50 w/:20 rest (Tarzan/swim by 25)
100 cool down
*2600 Total*

Friday, November 18, 2011

600 warm up (400 swim/200 kick)

8x50 @ :50 (25 tarzan drill, 25 swim)
1x300 swim (no walls/turn @ the "T")
6x50 @ :60 (IM/free by 25)
1x300 pull (3/5 breathing pattern by 50)
4x50 @ :60 (kick hard on wall between reps)
1x300 (50 kick w/board, 50 pull w/board)
2x50 @ :60 (5 strokes, somersault, repeat)
1x300 swim (descend by 100)
4x25 @ :40 (descend stroke count 1-4)
1x600 cool down (4x: 100 swim/50 kick)
*3500 Total*

6x50 w/:20 rest (25 tarzan drill, 25 swim)
1x200 swim (no walls/turn @ the "T")
4x50 w/:20 rest (non-free/free by 25)
1x200 pull (3/5 breathing pattern by 50)
4x25 @ :50 (descend stroke count 1-4)
1x200 swim (descend by 50)
1x300 cool down (2x: 100 swim/50 kick)
*2100 Total*

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

500 warm up
4x150 @ 2:30 (50 kick/50 drill/50 swim)
14x25 @ :30 (1 fast, 1ez, 2 fast, 1ez, 3 fast, 1ez, 4 fast, 1ez)
4 x [200 swim moderate (record your time) @ 3:00
100 swim (faster than 1/2 of 200 time) @ 1:40
50 swim (faster than 1/2 of 100 time) @ :45
100 easy (50 kick/50 pull with board) w/:30 rest]
3x100 @ 1:45 (free/back/breast/free by 25)
200 cool down
*3700 Total*

400 warm up
3x150 w/:30 seconds rest(50 kick/50 drill/50 swim)
14x25 w/:15 rest (1 fast, 1ez, 2 fast, 1ez, 3 fast, 1ez, 4 fast, 1ez)
2 x [100 swim moderate (record your time) w/:20 rest
50 swim (faster than 1/2 of 100 time) w/:20 rest
150 easy (50 pull/50 kick/50 pull with board) w/:30 rest]
6x75 w/:30 rest (free/non-free/free by 25)
100 cool down
*2400 Total*

Swim-A-Thon is in 4 days!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday, 14 November 2011

900 warm up (3x: 200 swim/50 kick/50 drill)
6x100 swim @ 1:40 (descend 1-3, 4-6)
4x150 pull @ 2:15
3x200 swim @ 3:20 (negative split @ the 100 wall)
2x300 pull @ 5:00 (3/5 breathing pattern by 50)
1x300 IM (Kick/Drill/Swim)
200 cool down
*3800 Total*

600 warm up (2x: 200 swim/50 kick/50 drill)
6x100 swim w/:20 seconds rest (descend 1-3, 4-6)
4x150 pull w/:30 seconds rest (distance per stroke)
3x200 swim w/:30 rest (3/5 breathing pattern by 50)
100 cool down
*2500 Total*

DON'T FORGET!! Sunday, November 20th is the Swim-A-Thon. Set your goals and get pledges from businesses, family, neighbors, etc. prior to swimming. You may choose to get pledges and money prior to swimming while others may want to get pledges per length and collect the money following the Swim-a-Thon. We will be on deck counting your laps and to cheer you on.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday, 11 November 2011


600 warm up (100 swim/50 kick)
4 minute kick (:45 second easy kick, :30 second vertical HARD kick)
8x50 @:60 (descend stroke count 1-4, 5-8)
3 x [4x25 @ :30 (tarzan drill)
1x150 @ 2:30 swim (no walls)]
3 x [4x25 Down & Outs
1x150 pull (DPS)]
3 x [4x25 @ :30 (dolphin kick on back)
1x150 @ 2:45 (free/non-free/free)]
100 Cool down
*3350 (+ kick) total*


450 warm up (100 swim/50 kick)
6x50 w/:15 rest (descend stroke count 1-6)
3 x [2x25 (tarzan drill)
1x100 swim (no walls)]
3 x [2x25 drill
1x100 pull (DPS)]
3 x [2x25 non-free
1x100 3/5 breathing pattern by 25]
100 Cool down
*2200 total*

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

200 Warm Up
6x75 @ 1:40 (kick/drill/swim by 25)
2 x [3x100 pull @ 1:45
4x75 swim @ 1:20 (strong effort)
6x50 @ 1:00 (non-free/free by 25)]
300 easy pull (3/5 breathing pattern by 50)
14x25 fast @ :30, ez @ :40 (1 FAST, 1ez, 2 FAST, 1ez, 3FAST, 1ez, 4FAST, 1ez)
250 cool down
*3300 Total*

200 Warm Up
4x75 w/:15 seconds rest (kick/drill/swim by 25)
2 x [3x100 pull w/:10 rest
4x75 swim w/:20 rest (strong effort)
6x50 w/:15 rest (non-free/free by 25)]
100 cool down
*2400 Total*

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, 7 November 2011

400 swim/200 kick warm up
4x150 w/fins @ 2:30/3:00 (100 swim/50 kick)
4x150 @ 3:00 (50 free/50 non-free/50 free)
4x150 pull @ 2:45 (descend 1-4)
4x150 swim @ 3:00 (3/5/7 breathing pattern by 50)
6x100 @ 2:00 (2 fast, 2 medium, 2 easy)
*3600 Total*

400 swim/200 kick warm up
4x150 w/fins w/:15 rest (100 swim/50 kick)
4x150 w/:20 rest (50 free/50 non-free/50 free)
4x150 pull w/:20 rest (3/5/3 breathing pattern by 50)
100 cool down
*2500 Total*

Friday, 4 November 2011

10 Minute Warm Up

8 rounds for time:
15 squat jumps
25 yds swim underwater
30 second vertical kick with hands out of the water ("eggbeaters")
25 yds sprint kick

3 rounds for time:
20 deep-end "muscle ups" (start from full extension underwater with knees bent ninety degrees)
75 yds pull
50 bent-over stretch cord pulls (or 30 push-ups)
75 yds pull

Cool down

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

600 warm up (200 swim/100 kick x 2)
15x50 swim (5 @ :60, 5 @ :55, 5 @ :50)
50 easy
4 x [2x75 @ 1:40 (kick/drill/swim by 25)
1x100 swim build @ 2:00
2x25 SPRINT @ :40
1x150 pull @ 3:00 (3/5 breathing pattern by 25)]
3x150 w/:20 seconds rest (free/non-free/free by 50)
200 cool down
*3850 Total*

600 warm up (200 swim/100 kick x 2)
12x50 swim (4 w/:20 rest, 4 w/:15, 4 4/:10 rest)
50 easy
2 x [2x75 w/:30 sec rest (kick/drill/swim by 25)
1x100 swim build w/:20 rest
1x150 pull w/:30 rest (3/5 breathing pattern by 25)]
100 cool down
*2150 Total*