Thursday, December 8, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

200 Swim/100 Kick
200 Choice Swim/100 Drill

Drill Set:
6 x 50 (on 1:10)
-25 Drill/25 Build
-#1-3 Fist Drill/#4-6 Fingertip Drag
4 x 100 (on 2:30)
-50 Kick/50 Shark Drill
2 x 200 Pull (15-20 sec rest between each)
-Breathing Pattern: 3/5 by 50

Main Set:
4 x 150 (15 sec. rest between each)
-50 Kick (middle of pool and back x 2)
-Drop Board 100 Swim (25 FAST/75 smooth)
4 x 50 (from center of pool) on 1:10
-Fast into the wall and after turn, then easy back to the middle

100 Easy

Total: 2600

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