Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

500 warm up
10x75 @ 1:30 (kick/drill/swim by 25)
4 x [100 pull @ 1:30
50 swim/build @ :45
50 swim/FAST @ :60]
8x50 @ :60 (kick/drill...IM order)
4 x [100 IM @ 1:45
50 free/build @ :45
50 non-free choice/FAST @ 1:15]
8x50 @ :60 (25 free swim/25 underwater recovery (dog-paddle))
200 cool down
*3800 Total*

400 warm up
6x75 w/:20 sec rest (kick/drill/swim by 25)
3x200 pull w/:30 sec rest (3/5 breathing pattern by 50)
8x50 w/:20 sec rest (25 free/25 non-free)
6 x [50 pull easy
50 swim build to fast] w/:30 sec rest
100 cool down
*2500 Total*

Our workout was interrupted by lightning/thunder around 6:10am. So we met in the exercise room to do the following workout....
4 minutes of Tabata for each exercise:
Squats, Push-ups, Lunges, Sit-ups, Burpees

Tabata = 20 Seconds of maximum effort with good form, 10 seconds of rest. (repeat this cycle for the specified amount of time)

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