Saturday, May 26, 2012

Thursday and Saturday Morning Practice

Thursday May 24, 2012

500 Swim
4x50 Free Drill :10
300 Pull Long and Strong
3x100 Descend free :10
12x25 with Fins o-Kick R/L e- Swim Back :30
4x75 with Fins K/D/S choice no Free:10
2x150 Pull cruise 3:30
300 Cool-down

Saturday May 26, 2012

300 Swim
12x25 3xstroke Drill :35
500 Pull Strong 80%
3x100 IM Swim 1:45
500 Pull B/C 3-5-7 by 50
300 IM Swim
500 Kick by 100 o-free e-choice
200 Easy

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