Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

400 warm up
10x50 (2 kick @ 1:15, 2 drill @ :60, 1 swim @ :50, repeat)
3 x [200 pull @ 3:30
200 swim @ 3:20 (negative split...second 100 faster than first)
2x100 @ 1:45 (FAST!)]
3x200 w/:15 rest (50 kick/50 pull with board/100 swim)
6x50 @ 1:10 (2 non-free, 1 RACE!!)
300 cool down (50 kick/100 swim, repeat)
*3900 total*

500 warm up
10x50 w/:15 rest (2 kick, 2 drill, 1 swim, repeat)
3x200 pull w/:20 rest (long...DPS)
6x100 w/:15 rest (50 FAST!/50 easy)
2x200 w/:15 rest (50 kick/50 pull with board/100 swim)
*2600 total*

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