Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Year

500 Swim
6x75 25 kick/50 swim stroke 1:30

4x:40 vertical kick free
6x50 descend 1-6 1:00
4x:40 vert. kick fly
6x50 choice cruise :55
4x:20 vert. kick streamline w/ choice of kick
6x50 80% free :50
4x:40 vert kick egg beater
6x50 Fast :45 make it
300 Pull Long and Strong
8x25 kick with fins o-fly kick on back e- free kick on each side alternating every 25 :30
200 Easy

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday February 28, 2012

500 Swim
300 Kick with Fins
20x25 o-UW Kick e- e/f :40
200 Descend
15x25 o- fast/easy e- shoulder roll :30
200 Fast
10x25 5- fly kick on right side 5- fly kick on left side :45
200 IM
5x25 Fast free :35
200 Pull
10x25 descend stroke :40
200 Drill
15x25 2-fast free 3-drill free 3-fast free 2-drill free :35
200 cruise
20x25 10-fly swim 10-breast swim :40
200 Easy

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday February 23, 2012

600 Swim
12x50 kick with fins 6- Fly kick 6-Free :55
4x100 Descend 1-4 to 95% 1:45
3x500 1-Pull 2-Kick with fins 3-Build to fast 7:30
12x25 with fins o-UW fly kick e-fly swim :40
300 Pull DPS
200 Easy

600 Swim
6x50 kick 2-free 2-back 2-choice :10
3x100 Descend to 90% :15
3x300 1-Pull DPS 2- Kick 3- Swim build to 80% :20
10x25 5-Fast/Easy 5-Easy/Fast :10
200 Easy

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesday February 21, 2012

500 Swim
300 Kick w/fins
4x50 drill free :10
2x100 Build to Fast :15
4x50 drill back :10
2x100 Build to Fast :15
300 Pull BC 2-3-4-5 by 50
4x25 free 80% :30
4x25 free 90% :30
4x25 free FAST :25
200 Easy

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday February 18, 2012

400 Swim
10x25 UW dolphin Kick :40
100 Build

4x(4x50 Swim :55 100 IM 2:00) 1xstroke
14x25 4-Drill 5-BC 3,2,1,0,0 5-descend 1-5 w/3 breath max
200 Easy

Friday, February 17, 2012

300 choice
400 every 4th length kick with head up
8x50 - 1-4 NF, 5-8 FR
- b/w each 50...plank - alt. leg lift 10x

Main Set:
12x200 @ 3:45
2 - 100 NF Dr-50k-50sw
2 - K w/fins
2 - Fr hold under 2:30/3:00/ or 4:00
2 - 50NF Dr - 100K-50sw
2- Pull Fr Hyp 2,3,4,5x25
2- NF or IM :10sr at ea. 25 FAST @ 4:30

100-200 Cool Down

Total *3600-3700

300 choice
400 every 4th length kick with head up
8x50 w/ :10sr (1-4NF, 5-8FR...Drill/Swim by 25)

Main Set:
12x100 w/ :20sr
2 - 50 NF Dr-25k-25sw
2 - K w/fins
2 - Fr hold under 1:45/2:00
2 - 25NF Dr-50K-25sw
2- Pull Fr Hyp 3/5 by 25
2- NF or IM FAST! w/ :60sr

100-200 Cool Down

Total *2300-2400

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

300 Choice
4x125 @ :20sr 50Drill/50Kick/25Swim
5x50 - plank with one leg lifted (at 25 switch) while partner swims 50 or for :45

600 @ 9:00 (150ez-50fast)
10x25 @ :25 Fin Swim - Alt Fr/NF
3x300 @ 4:30 every 4th length fast
6x25 @ :25 Fin Swim - Alt Fr/NF
6x100 descend @ 1:30
4x25 @ :25 Fin Swim - Alt Fr/NF

Total *3650

300 Choice
2x125 w/ :20sr 50Drill/50Kick/25Swim

400 w/ :30sr (150ez-50fast)
8x25 w/ :10sr Fin Swim - Alt Fr/NF
2x200 w/ :30sr every 4th length fast
4x25 w/ :10sr Fin Swim - Alt Fr/NF
4x100 descend w/ :20sr
4x25 w/ :10sr Fin Swim - Alt Fr/NF

Total *2350

Thursday February 16, 2012

400 Swim
4x150 50-kick 50-drill 50-swim choice of stroke :15
300 Pull BC-3/5
3x200 descend :10
300 Pull DPS
500 Swim 80%
200 Easy

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

300 choice
(o)Fr - 25rt/25lft/50sw @ 1:40
(e)NF - 25K/50Dr/25sw @ 1:50

8x50 @ 1:20
-desc 1-3, 4ez NF
-desc 5-7, 8ez Fr
- do 10 v-ups on the side of the pool after each 50

3x50 @ :60
3x150@ 2:30
3x250@ 3:30
Set your pace on the 50’s and hold that pace thru the entire set.

EZ 50

Fin K Set - Super 400
25(:30) 25(:30) 50(:60)
75(1:30) 25(:30) 25(:30)
50(:60) 75 (1:30) 25(:30)
25(:30) The last one is under water.

100 easy w/d

Total *3800

300 choice
6x100 w/ :10sr
(o)Fr - 25rt/25lft/50sw
(e)NF - 25K/50Dr/25sw

3x50 w/ :15sr
3x150 w/ :20-:30sr
3x250 w/ :20-:30sr
Set your pace on the 50’s and hold that pace thru the entire set.

EZ 50

200 Kick w/ fins on (80% effort)

100 easy w/d

Total *2600

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!!!

400 Swim
16x75 8-k/d/s choice 8-descend by 75 to 80% 1:20
8x25 o-UW/easy e-Fast/easy :35

[3x100 80% 1:30]
2x[2x150 negative split 2:15]
[300 Fast 4:30]

200 Easy

Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 11, 2012


400 Swim
8x50 odds- K/D evens- D/S 2x stroke 1:30
400 IM drill
6x50 2-Fly/Back 2-Back/Breast 2-Breast/Free :55
4x100 IM 1:15
2X200 IM 2:45
4X25 EASY :30
200 Easy


400 Swim
8x50 w/fins drill choice :10
6x100 swim 3-free 3-back :15
300 PULL
2x200 Swim free 1-80% 2-Fast :20
200 Easy

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Practice is cancelled tomorrow due to lighting in the deep-end is out. Deep end will be closed. Stay tuned for updates about Saturday

February 9, 2012


1000 Choice
4x100 drill 1xstroke 2:15
500 Free Swim cruise 6:45
4x25 Back swim :30
2x250 1-80% 2-negative split 3:55
4x25 Back :30
500 Free Fast 6:30
4x25 Back :30
5x100 Free make it 1:40
200 Easy


600 Swim
300 Pull
300 Kick choice no fins
4x50 drill free :10
2x100 free swim 2:30
4x50 drill back :10
2x100 back swim 3:00
300 Pull DPS
200 Easy

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

300 Choice
4x150 fins on (75 Kick, 50 Free, 25 Drill) @ 2:30

200 EZ @ 3:15
200 Fast @ 3:00
4x50 Fast @ :45
100 EZ
100 Fast @ 1:30
4x25 Fast @ :25
1:30 rest between sets
Set #1 - Free
Set #2 -NF or IM (add :10/50 to interval)
Set #3 - Free

100-200 ez cool down

Total *3700-3800*

300 Choice
2x150 fins on (75 kick, 50 Free, 25 Drill) w/ :15 sec rest b/w each

200 EZ w/ :15 sec rest
200 Fast w/ :30 sec rest
4x50 Fast w/ :10 sec rest
100 EZ
100 Fast w/ :15 sec rest
4x25 Fast w/ :05 sec rest
1:30 rest between sets

100-200 ez cool down

Total *1600-1700*

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7, 2012


500 Swim
6x100 kick 3- free w/fins 3- choice w/o fins 2:00
10x25 perfect technique descend 1-5 fast 6-10 :35
400 Pull BC by 50
3x200 80% free 2:55
4x50 drill choice :50
3x100 IM 80% 1:55
4x50 drill choice :50
400 Pull DPS @80%
200 EASY


500 Swim
500 Pull
4x100 80% :15
300 Pull DPS
2x200 80% FREE :20
200 Pull fast
4x75 descend 1-4
200 easy

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

300 choice
400 IM - Swim, Kick, Drill, Swim
8x50 Build
1-4 NF @ :15sr
5-8 Fr @ :15sr

4 x
300 @ :60 sr easy pace
200 @ :30 sr tempo
100 @ :15 sr hard
1) Free - swim
2) Pull
3) Kick w/ fins
4) Swim Choice

Cool Down:
Total *3600-3700*

300 choice
400 IM - Swim, Kick, Drill, Swim
8x50 Build
1-4 NF @ :15sr
5-8 Fr @ :15sr

2 x
300 @ :60 sr easy pace
200 @ :30 sr tempo
100 @ :15 sr hard
1) Free - swim
2) Pull
3) Kick w/ fins
4) Swim Choice

Cool Down:
Total *2400*

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday February 4, 2012

400 Swim
200 Pull
6x50 Back Kick w/fins 1:00
8x25 UW dolphin kick on back :40
4x50 back swim descend :55
4x50 shoulder roll on back w/fins 1:10
2x50 back swim 1:00
4x50 R/L back w/fins 1:00
2x50 back swim 1:00
4x50 double arm back w/fins 1:00
2x40 back swim 1:00
200 Pull BC 3/5
4x50 descend :55
200 Easy

Thursday January 2, 2012


400 Swim
4x100 1xstroke
400 Pull
4x50 Fly Swim
300 Pull
4x50 Back Swim descend 1:00
200 Im Drill
4x50 Breast Swim Descend 1:00
100 IM Fast 1:30
4x50 free fast :50
100 Easy
8x75 K/D/S 2xstroke 2:30
400 IM Swim
300 Pull long/smooth
200 easy


400 Swim
400 Pull
6x100 Fins 3-Kick fins 3-Swim Fast :10
3x150 o-free e-back 50 drill/50swim/50drill :20
4x200 swim @ 80% :15
200 Easy

Friday, February 3, 2012

300 choice
400 drill/swim x 25
8x50 alt 10 crunches/10 push-ups after ea. 50
1-4 Non-Free
5-8 Free

4x400 (as listed below) follow ea 400 by:
100Fr @ 1000m pace less :10
1) IM (kick, right left, swim)
2) Pull (Breathe 2,3,4,5)
3) Fin kick (alternate fly/free x 100)
4) IM (kick, right left, swim)

500 free @ training pace
100 EZ


300 choice
400 drill/swim x 25
8x50 alt 10 crunches/10 push-ups after ea. 50
1-4 Non-Free
5-8 Free

4x200 (as listed below) follow ea 200 by:
50Fr 80% effort
1) IM (drill-/Fly-3r,3l,3s/Bk-shoulder roll/Brst-1pull,2kick/Fr-CU)
2) Pull (Breathe 2,3,4,5)
3) Fin kick (alternate fly/free x 100)
4) IM (drill)

300 free @ training pace
100 EZ

Total *2500*