Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

500 choice warm up
8x50 @ :55 (descend stroke count 1-4, 5-8)
4x300 pull @ 4:45 (descend 1-4)
4x150 @ 2:30 (50 free/50 non-free/50 free)
2 x [50 @ 1:00
100 @ 2:00
150 @ 3:00
200 @ 4:00
(negative split EVERY segment of the set...1st half easy, 2nd half FAST!)]
400 choice cool down
*3800 Total*

400 choice warm up
8x50 w/:20 seconds rest (descend stroke count 1-4, 5-8)
4x150 pull w/:30 rest (descend 1-4)
100 easy
6x100 w/:20 rest (negative split...1st 50 easy, 2nd 50 FAST!)
300 choice cool down
*2400 Total*

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