Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday August 25, 2011


400 IM drill RIMO
300 Pull
200 Kick
100 Build to 80%

8x50 2xstroke odds- K/S evens- D/S
8x25 Race Pace :30
3x50 Drill 1-shld roll 2-swim 3-shld roll 1:10
4x50 Race Pace :45
3x50 Drill 1-skull 2-swim 3-small pulls 1:00
2x75 Race Pace 1:05
1x50 Race Pace :45
3x50 Drill 1-R/L 2-swim 3-FTD+CU 1:00
2x100 Race Pace 1:25
150 Easy
400 Pull DPS
200 Easy

300 Swim
200 Kick
300 Pull

50 @ 80% :15
75 @ 80% :20
100 @ 80% :25
150 @ 80% :30
200 @ 80% :30
150 @ 85% :20
100 @ 90% :10
75 @ 95% :05
50 @ 100%

4X25 FLY KICK with fins :15
100 Free swim with fins perfect technique
4x25 breast kick :15
200 easy

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