Monday, August 1, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011

600 warm up (150 swim/50 kick)
4x50 drill w/:20 rest (double-stop catch up)
4x50 drill w/:20 rest (3/6/3)
8 minutes kicking (:30 easy, :30 vertical kick, :30 easy, :30 Tombstone kick)
4x25 underwater kicking w/:60 rest (try to make it 25 yards, more if possible!)
200 recovery (50 free/50 non free)
4x25 SPRINT! w/:60 rest (start in middle of the pool, sprint to the wall, easy back to the middle)
200 recovery w/board (50 kick/50 sailboat drill)
200 cool down
*2300 Total*

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