Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday August 23, 2011

It has been a tough couple of days of training, but good job in the pool.


600 Swim
400 Drill (50 shld roll/50 skull/50 small pulls/50 big pulls/50 R-L/50 fist/50 catch-up/50 build)

8x100 Kick w/Fins 4:odds-fly evens-free 4:odds-fly on back evens-back 2:45
16x25 4xstroke :40

300 Pull @80% 4:50
4x50 Back :55
300 Pull descend from 80% 4:45
4x50 (25 fly kick on back/25 swim) :55
300 Swim Fast
4x50 (25 FTD+CU/25 Swim) :55

200 Easy

400 Swim
200 Pull
200 Drill (50 shld/50 R-L/50 fist/50 catch-up)

8x100 odds: fly kick evens: free swim ALL WITH FINS :20

300 Pull

10x25 Fast 5-breast 5-back :15
2x100 80% free :10
200 Easy

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