Monday, October 24, 2011

Friday, 21 October 2011

700 Choice
5x50 free on :60 (descend to mile pace)

Broken Mile...add up time at the end.
3x200 free on 3:00/3:30
3x150 free on 2:15/2:45
4x100 free on 1:20/1:40
4x50 free on :40/:60

100 Easy

3x150 dolphin kick on 3:00 (descend 1-3)
1:00 rest
3x150 back kick with streamline dolphin kick off the wall to red lane
marker on 3:00 (descend 1-3)

100 Easy


500 Choice
4x50 free, drill with :15 sec rest

Broken 1000...add up time at the end.
1x200 with :20 sec rest
2x150 with :20 sec rest
3x100 with :15 sec rest
4x50 with :10 sec rest

3x100 dolphin kick with :15 sec rest
3x100 back kick (with streamline dolphin kick off each wall) w/ :15 sec rest

200 easy


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