Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

300 swim
200 kick
300 pull
200 drill
16x25 @ :30 (descend stroke count 1-4)
8x50 @ :55 (odds: DPS, evens: build to fast)
3 x [3x100 pull @ 1:20/1:45
3x50 swim @ :50/1:00 (descend times 1-3)
4x25 swim @ :40 (odds: easy float, evens: Dive Sprint!!)]
200 cool down
*3600 Total*

200 swim
200 kick
200 pull
200 swim
16x25 w/:15 sec rest (descend stroke count 1-4)
8x50 w/:20 sec rest (odds: DPS, evens: build to fast)
2 x [3x100 pull w/:20 sec rest
3x50 swim w/:20 (descend times 1-3)]
100 cool down
*2600 Total*

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