Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday, 31 October 2011


500 Warm Up Choice

500 Free on 7:15/8:45 (200 strong, 150 build, 150 fast)
5x100 on 1:25/1:45 (descend to 500 pace)
500 broken
-200 on 3:00/3:15
-350 on 2:15/2:30

100 EZ

5x100 on 1:25/1:45 (try to hold 500 pace)
500 broken - :10 sec rest b/w each 100 (go faster than last broken 500)

100 EZ

8x50 on :60 (finish with flip and hold 500 pace)
200 off the blocks (try to improve 100 average from the last broken 500)

100 Cool Down



See Saturday's work out

Image courtesy of

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