Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

500 swim warm up
400 kick/swim by 50
300 non-free/free by 50
200 Tarzan/swim by 25
100 feet-first/swim by 25
8 minute kick (:40 easy, :20 FAST, repeat)
12x50 @ :55 (2 drill, 1 25 fast/25 easy)
6x50 FAST! (timed. on send off)
500 pull (3/5 breathing pattern by 50)
8x25 FAST! (timed. on send off)
200 cool down

400 swim warm up
300 kick/swim by 50
200 non-free/free by 50
100 Tarzan/swim by 25
6 minute kick (:40 easy, :20 FAST, repeat)
9x50 w/:20 sec rest (2 drill, 1 25 fast/25 easy)
12x25 (1: ALL OUT, 1: easy)
300 pull (3/5 breathing pattern by 50)
100 cool down

Monday, September 26, 2011

400 swim warm up
300 pull
200 IM (kick/drill/swim by 25)
100 kick choice
12x100 swim (4 @ 1:30, 4 @ 1:25, 4 @ 1:20)
50 easy recovery
4x125 IM @ 2:15 (free/fly/back/breast/free by 25)
3x300 @ 5:00 (50 kick/100 swim, repeat) (descend 1-3)
200 cool down
*3850 Total*

400 swim warm up
300 pull
200 swim (free/non-free by 25)
100 kick choice
100 (tarzan drill/swim by 25)
6x100 swim w/:15 seconds rest (2 easy, 2 medium, 2 strong)
3x150 w/:30 rest (25 kick/50 swim, repeat)
100 cool down
*2250 Total*

Wednesday September 29, 2011

Lightening Storm This morning!

Met in the Multi-purpose Room

EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Medicine Ball(MB), mat, Bosu ball,

10 Min Stretch

25-regular crunches
25-knees to right crunches
25-straight leg crunches
25-knees to left crunches

15 Bosu Squats
1:00 MB Chest Passes
15 Bosu Squats
1:00 MB Chest Passes

:30 Push-ups max
:10 rest
:20 Push-ups max
:10 rest
:10 Push-ups Max

1:00 MB Side Toss
1:00 MB Side Toss to the other side

15 Push-ups
10 Squats
14 Push-ups
10 Squats
13 Push-ups
10 Squats
12 Push-ups
10 Squats
11 Push-ups
10 Squats
10 Push-ups
10 Squats


1:00 Banana Planks
Russian Twists with MB
1:00 Banana Planks


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday September 27, 2011


600 swim
400 w/fins 200-fly kick on back 200-drill

4x50 shld roll back w/fins 1:15
8x25 back :30
2x100 IM 1:30

4x50 R/L Back 1:15
4x50 Back Swim 1:00
2x100 IM 1:30

16x50 4xstroke o-drill/swim e-kick 1:15
200 IM kick for time
200 easy


400 Swim
200 Kick
8x25 back with fins 4-shld roll 4-r/l :15
8x25 back swim :10
300 Pull DPS
4x25 fly kick :15
4x25 fly kick hands at side :15
200 Easy

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday September 24, 2011


300 Swim
200 IM kick
300 Pull

8x25 UW Fly kick :15
4x100 IM 2:15
6x75 3-Back 3-Fly, Back, Fly 1:30

4x50 2-double pull outs 2-2K/1P 1:30

8x25 Brst SWIM :40
200 EASY

200 Swim
200 kick
200 Pull
8x25 Perfect tech :15
200 Pull BC 3-5 by 50
4x50 descend 1:15
200 Pull DPS
4x75 o-kick w/fins e-swim w/fins :15
200 Easy

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

600 warm up (2x: 200 swim/50 kick/50 drill)
12x25 @ :40 (2 drill, 1 build)
1x400 pull medium effort (get your time)
6x50 @ :55 swim (strong effort)
1x400 pull (faster than first 400)
4x75 @ 1:20 swim (strong effort)
1x400 pull (faster than second 400)
3x100 @ 1:50 swim (strong effort)
1x400 pull (FAST!)
200 cool down
*3600 Total*

Great job on the 400's today. Those of you that swam this workout in June have improved your times...CONGRATULATIONS!

400 warm up as: (100 swim, 100 kick, 100 pull, 100 swim)
8x25 swim w/:20 sec rest
Main set: 3x400 broken as:
[200 pull smooth @ 5:00
100 swim build @ 3:00
50 swim Fast! @ 1:00
50 easy recovery @ 2:00]
6x75 w/:20 sec rest (kick/drill/swim by 25)
100 cool down
*2350 Total*

Great job on the 100's build and 50's FAST in the main set! Try to watch the clock during the workout and track your times.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

600 warm up
8x75 @ 1:20 (25 kick strong/50 swim easy)
6x125 (100 swim @ 1:45/25 DIVE SPRINT @ :45)
100 easy
3x300 pull @ 4:15 (descend 1-3)
8 x [12.5 yard sprint
:10 second vertical kick
12.5 yard sprint
:10 second kick against wall
12.5 yard sprint
:10 second vertical kick
12.5 yard sprint
:30-:60 seconds rest on the wall]
450 cool down (3 x 50 kick/100 swim)
*3800 Total*

500 choice warm up
6x50 w/:15 seconds rest (easy 25, get out, dive in, sprint 12.5y, easy 12.5y, kick hard on wall for :10 seconds)
12x50 swim w/:15 rest (4 easy, 4 medium, 4 strong effort)
3 x [100 pull smooth w/:20 rest
4x25 swim @ :50 (descend 1-4 to SPRINT!)
50 easy w/:30 rest]
300 cool down (100 swim/50 kick)
*2500 Total*

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday September 22, 2011


500 Swim
10x25 choice of anything :15 rest

6x100 kick 3-kick w/o fins free 3:30 3-kick w/fins fly 2:30
12x50 free :55 Descend by 4s
200 Pull BC 3-5 by 50s
6x25 BC 6 breathes per 25-->1 breath :45

8x50 kick 1:30 2xstroke

8x50 Back 4-shld roll 4-double arm 1:15
4x25 Back :30

8x50 Breast 4-2K/1P 4-Breast pull/fly kick 1:45

200 Easy


400 Swim
300 Pull
200 Kick
100 Build

8x25 sprint :15
4x100 3:00
8x25 perfect techniques :15

300 Pull
200 Easy

Good Job for the B group for doing their first interval set!!!
Nice pic, Nader. Good meeting last night, Karen and Nader. Lots of fun things coming up for the Masters program!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday September 20, 2011


600 Swim
8x25 drill 2-skull 2-shld roll 2- FTD 2-CU :40

300 Pull(buoy) DPS 4:55
50 fast 1:15 no equipment
300 Paddles and Buoy DPS 4:40
50 fast 1:20 no equipment
300 Paddles + Fins 4:30
50 fast 1:00 No equipment
100 Easy

4x50 drill pause with fins 1:30
4x50 drill stoneskipper with fins 1:30
8x25 swim fly :30

8x50 back drill 4-shld roll 4-R/L 1:30
8x25 Back :30
200 Easy


500 Swim
300 Pull
200 Kick

3x50 Back :15
3x50 Breast :15
3x100 :15

200 Pull DPS :30
4x75 descend 1-4 :10
200 Pull DPS

200 easy

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday September 19, 2011


600 SWIM
12x25 4-UW 4-FTD 4-3R/3L :40

4x100 2:00 Descend

300 Pull 5:00
4x25 :30 Fast Breakouts
300 80% 5:00
4x25 :30 12.5 easy/12.5 Fast
300 90% 5:00
4x25 :40 easy

8x50 Two Turn 1:00 2-IM Swith 2-Free

5x100 IM 2:00

200 Easy


300 Swim
200 Kick 50-free 50-nonfree
8x50 :15 2-shld roll 2-FTD 2-R/L 2-shark fin
4x100 :20 Descend
300 Pull DPS
200 Back
100 Back Fast
200 cool-down

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Here is some evidence based techniques about walls and turns!

Saturday Septemeber 17, 2011


3x200 o-free swim e-IM drill :30 rest

4x50 fly kick on back 1:10
6x25 fly swim :30
4x50 UW kick fly with fins 1:00
3x50 fly swim w/o fins 1:15
4x50 fly kick with board 1:20
2x75 fly 1-25 drill/50 swim 2-50 swim/25 drill 1:45

100 easy 2:00
100 @ 70% 1:45
100 @ 80% 1:30
100 @ 90% 1:15
100 @ 95% 1:10
100 @ 100% 1:05
100 @ for fun? 1:00

200 EASY


2x200 1- free 2-choice :30

8x25 drill with fin :15
2-shld roll
2-shark fin

2x100 Perfect Technique :30
6x50 2-Back 2-Free 2-Breast :15
4x75 Back/Breast/Free by 25 :10
200 Easy

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday September 16, 2011

Both Practices did the same thing!!!!

600 Swim

6x100 2:non-free 2:free 2:non-free 1:55
10x25 Breakouts :30

8x50 2xstroke from block with planks 2:00

400 Pull @ 75% DPS 5:00
4x75 @80% 1:10
400 pull DPS 4:45 @90%

8x25 sprint :25

200 Easy

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday September 15, 2011


600 Swim 300-free 300-nonfree
400 Kick descend intensity by 100

4x100 1xstroke 25-kick 50-drill 25-Swim
6x75 1:25 3-@80% 3-90%

2x100 IM cruise 2:45
4x50 BC 3 breaths per 25
2x75 25-sprint 25-@80% 25-Sprint 1:10

400 Pull DPS
2x200 Cruise 2:50
8x25 Sprint

200 Easy


400 Swim
200 Kick
8x25 o-sprint e-easy :10
8x50 @80% :15
8x75 Kick w/fins Fast :20
4x100 Descend 1-4 :30
300 Pull DPS
200 Easy

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday September 14, 2011


4x200 RIMO 50 Kick/100 Drill/50 Swim :30 rest
8x50 kick 1:05

300 Pull DPS BC 3-5 by 50
12x25 :30 Swim Descend Free
100 easy 3:00
4x50 :45 Hold 200 Pace
100 Easy 3:00
12x25 Fast swim choice other than free :30
100 Easy 3:00

8x50 Drill 2- shld roll 2-shark fin 2-R/L 2- FTD+CU 1:15

6x100 Kick o-IM e-Choice 3:00

200 Easy


300 Swim
200 Fly Kick with fins
300 Pull DPS

2x(4x50 O-drill E-swim :15
100 IM Swim) round 1- fly round 2- back

4x50 shld roll :30
2x100 free at 80% get time :20
200 Pull BC 3-5 by 50
2x100 free descend time from earlier :30
5x25 Fast choice :15
200 Easy

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday September 13, 2011


600 Swim
400 IM Drill

3x75 dolphin kick on back with fins 1:45
3x75 12.5 UW/12.5 Easy Swim each 25 1:45

400 Pull DPS descend stroke count by 100

500 Swim @ 80% 8:45

400 Pull DPS hold stroke count of last 100

5x100 Swim @ race pace 1:40

200 Pull Fast hold best stroke count 3:30

8x25 Drill 2-shld roll 2-shark fin 2-3R/3L 2- Fist :40

200 cool-down


300 Swim
200 Kick
8x25 fly kick with fins :20
3x100 with fins fast swim 1:00
6x50 free swim @ 80% :30
12x25 swim odds- free evens-choice :20
300 Pull DPS
3x100 descend :30 GET TIME
200 Cool-down

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

WU 800 Free
6 x 50 Fr @ :60 (Long Axis Combo Drill)
1 x 100 Fr (h-6) @ 1:45 - 2:00
6 x 50 Bk @ :50 - 1:20
1 x 100 Fr (h-6) @ 1:45 - 2:00
6 x 50 Alt - odd Fly , even Brst @ :50
1 x 100 Fr (h-6) @ 1:45 - 2:00

h-6 = heavy 6 drill. light long arms with heavy white water kick
long-axis combo drill = This drill allows you to feel the similar rotation of backstroke and freestyle. Alternate four strokes of backstroke with four strokes of freestyle. Drive the rotation of your stroke with your hips. Keep a light easy rhythm: don't muscle the water.

10 x 50 KICK (with no board) Alt.-6 under dolphin/3 up brst @ 1:00
1 x 500 KICK (with board) FAST!!
100 EZ Swim

3 x 50 @ :60 (25 right arm, 25 left arm)
3 x 50 @ :60 (25 catch up, 25 fingertip drag)
3 x 50 @ :60 (25 tarzan, 25 6-3-6 drill)
3 x 50 @ :60 ( 25 fist drill, 25 underwater recovery)

100 cool down


WU 400 Free
6 x 50 Fr (Long Axis Combo Drill) w/ :15 sec rest
1 x 100 Fr (h-6) w/ :20 sec rest
6 x 50 Bk w/ :15 sec rest
1 x 100 Fr (h-6) w/ :20 sec rest
6 x 50 Alt - odd Fly , even Brst w/ :15 sec rest
1 x 100 Fr (h-6) w/ :20 sec rest

h-6 = heavy 6 drill. light long arms with heavy white water kick
long-axis combo drill = This drill allows you to feel the similar rotation of backstroke and freestyle. Alternate four strokes of backstroke with four strokes of freestyle. Drive the rotation of your stroke with your hips. Keep a light easy rhythm: don't muscle the water.

6 x 50 KICK (with no board) Alt.-6 under dolphin/3 up brst @ 1:00
1 x 300 KICK (with board) FAST!!
100 EZ Swim



We are back to the normal schedule this week!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

All Groups:
10 minute choice warm up

12x50 @ :60 (4 descend stroke count, 4 descend time, 4 descend stroke count)
3 x [300 pull @ 5:15(50 smooth/DPS, 50 strong)
3x100 swim @ 1:45(1st and 4th 25 FAST! middle 50 is easy)]
50 easy recovery
6x75 @ 1:15 (25 free/25 non-free/25 free)
200 cool down
*3100 + WU*

12x50 w/:15 sec rest (4 descend stroke count, 4 descend time, 4 descend stroke count)
3 x [200 pull w/:30 seconds rest (50 smooth/DPS, 50 strong)
3x100 swim w/:20 sec rest (1st and 4th 25 FAST! middle 50 is EZ/DPS)]
100 cool down
*2200 + WU*

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

500 warm up
10x75 @ 1:30 (kick/drill/swim by 25)
4 x [100 pull @ 1:30
50 swim/build @ :45
50 swim/FAST @ :60]
8x50 @ :60 (kick/drill...IM order)
4 x [100 IM @ 1:45
50 free/build @ :45
50 non-free choice/FAST @ 1:15]
8x50 @ :60 (25 free swim/25 underwater recovery (dog-paddle))
200 cool down
*3800 Total*

400 warm up
6x75 w/:20 sec rest (kick/drill/swim by 25)
3x200 pull w/:30 sec rest (3/5 breathing pattern by 50)
8x50 w/:20 sec rest (25 free/25 non-free)
6 x [50 pull easy
50 swim build to fast] w/:30 sec rest
100 cool down
*2500 Total*

Our workout was interrupted by lightning/thunder around 6:10am. So we met in the exercise room to do the following workout....
4 minutes of Tabata for each exercise:
Squats, Push-ups, Lunges, Sit-ups, Burpees

Tabata = 20 Seconds of maximum effort with good form, 10 seconds of rest. (repeat this cycle for the specified amount of time)