Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday Septemeber 17, 2011


3x200 o-free swim e-IM drill :30 rest

4x50 fly kick on back 1:10
6x25 fly swim :30
4x50 UW kick fly with fins 1:00
3x50 fly swim w/o fins 1:15
4x50 fly kick with board 1:20
2x75 fly 1-25 drill/50 swim 2-50 swim/25 drill 1:45

100 easy 2:00
100 @ 70% 1:45
100 @ 80% 1:30
100 @ 90% 1:15
100 @ 95% 1:10
100 @ 100% 1:05
100 @ for fun? 1:00

200 EASY


2x200 1- free 2-choice :30

8x25 drill with fin :15
2-shld roll
2-shark fin

2x100 Perfect Technique :30
6x50 2-Back 2-Free 2-Breast :15
4x75 Back/Breast/Free by 25 :10
200 Easy

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