Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday September 20, 2011


600 Swim
8x25 drill 2-skull 2-shld roll 2- FTD 2-CU :40

300 Pull(buoy) DPS 4:55
50 fast 1:15 no equipment
300 Paddles and Buoy DPS 4:40
50 fast 1:20 no equipment
300 Paddles + Fins 4:30
50 fast 1:00 No equipment
100 Easy

4x50 drill pause with fins 1:30
4x50 drill stoneskipper with fins 1:30
8x25 swim fly :30

8x50 back drill 4-shld roll 4-R/L 1:30
8x25 Back :30
200 Easy


500 Swim
300 Pull
200 Kick

3x50 Back :15
3x50 Breast :15
3x100 :15

200 Pull DPS :30
4x75 descend 1-4 :10
200 Pull DPS

200 easy

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