Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday September 13, 2011


600 Swim
400 IM Drill

3x75 dolphin kick on back with fins 1:45
3x75 12.5 UW/12.5 Easy Swim each 25 1:45

400 Pull DPS descend stroke count by 100

500 Swim @ 80% 8:45

400 Pull DPS hold stroke count of last 100

5x100 Swim @ race pace 1:40

200 Pull Fast hold best stroke count 3:30

8x25 Drill 2-shld roll 2-shark fin 2-3R/3L 2- Fist :40

200 cool-down


300 Swim
200 Kick
8x25 fly kick with fins :20
3x100 with fins fast swim 1:00
6x50 free swim @ 80% :30
12x25 swim odds- free evens-choice :20
300 Pull DPS
3x100 descend :30 GET TIME
200 Cool-down

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