Sunday, September 11, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

All Groups:
10 minute choice warm up

12x50 @ :60 (4 descend stroke count, 4 descend time, 4 descend stroke count)
3 x [300 pull @ 5:15(50 smooth/DPS, 50 strong)
3x100 swim @ 1:45(1st and 4th 25 FAST! middle 50 is easy)]
50 easy recovery
6x75 @ 1:15 (25 free/25 non-free/25 free)
200 cool down
*3100 + WU*

12x50 w/:15 sec rest (4 descend stroke count, 4 descend time, 4 descend stroke count)
3 x [200 pull w/:30 seconds rest (50 smooth/DPS, 50 strong)
3x100 swim w/:20 sec rest (1st and 4th 25 FAST! middle 50 is EZ/DPS)]
100 cool down
*2200 + WU*

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